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Project FADENA (Student Information System)

Anyway.. Just completed a little but interesting  freelance project for a South Indian University. They had given me a task to implement rich web based student information system  to manage student data having atleast below features.

  • Student Information System (SIS)
  • School Management software
  • School ERP
  • Campus Management software
  • Student records system
  • Student management system
  • School software
  • E-learning system
  • Support to South languages and few European languages 
Have tested few of the application and demonstrated to the university but any how they rejected  until i showed up with another open source SIS named FADENA, Developed by Bangalore based company  Foradian Technologies. It has all above features which was demanded by the University and above all some major benefits like mentioned below..
  • Available in chosen language.[Ex: Kannada, Tamil, Spanish]
  • Easy tracking of students and Employees
  • Easy way for TC generation and Transfer of Batch
  • Time table generation and Examination creation
  • Analyzing student’s performance and attendance
  • Various student and staff reports [based on different category, religion, blood group, caste, DOB and many other filters]
  • Easy Attendance Marking and Attendance reports
  • All the historical records of a student available easily
  • Helps in sending data to UID project
  • As the entire data is online and secure, any analysis can be done at any desired point of time.
  • Rich Classy  GUI
So i have implemented the same and system is live today .. :-)

So here i m sharing installation and configuration steps of the same on RHEL 6 (Becuase i was having Rhel 6 ISO) as well as on Ubuntu after the brief overview of it ..

What Fedena is all about ??

Fedena is the open source school management system based on Ruby on Rails.

The project was made open source by Foradian, and is now maintained by the open source community. Fedena is the ideal solution for schools and campuses that want an easy means to manage all campus records.

Application info
Fedena [ ]
opensource version [ ]
Licence : Apache licence

Installation Steps on Redhat Based system here i m using RHEL 6.1


First install ruby, Mysql , ruby-mysql using yum.

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil ~]$ sudo yum install  ruby

Install MySQL

1) yum install mysql*

2) [linuzakhil@linuz-akhil ~]$ sudo service mysqld restart

3) [linuzakhil@linuz-akhil ~]$ sudo chkconfig mysqld on

Download and install epel rpm for ruby-mysql

4) [linuzakhil@linuz-akhil ~]$ sudo rpm -ivh

5) [linuzakhil@linuz-akhil ~]$ sudo yum install ruby-mysql


Download rubygems- 1.3.6 from below link:-

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil ~]$ sudo wget -c

Do enter the tar file after download and follow the below steps:

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil ~]$ sudo tar xvf rubygems-1.3.6.tgz

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil ~]$ cd rubygem- 1.3.6

Run this command to install Rubygems.

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil ~]$ sudo ruby setup.rb

Once done, we can check the gem version with a Command

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil ~]$ sudo gem -v

We can check the installed gem with below command

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil ~]$ sudo gem list

Step 3: Setup Fedena

Download Fedena from Extract the ZIP/TAR archive and save to a folder

(/opt/fadena). Run below command

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil ~]$ sudo wget -c

Step 4: Install Rails

Go to fedena directory and run below command:-

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil fedena]$ sudo  gem install rails -v=2.3.5

Install Rake

So we tried following command. You need to be in fedena installation home directory.

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil fedena]$ sudo gem install rake

Then run above commend

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil fedena]$ sudo rake gems:install

(RubyGems will also install all of the other libraries that Rails depends on. For each of these dependencies, RubyGems will ask you if you want to install it. Answer "y" (yes) to each one.)

Steps 5.

1. Update the MySQL login details in config/database.yml2. Run the command

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil fedena]$ sudo  rake db:create

This will create the required databases.

Then Run Below the command

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil fedena]$ sudo rake db:migrate

This will populate the database with required tables.

Then Run

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil fedena]$ sudo chmod +x script/server

Finally, run the command

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil fedena]$ sudo ruby script/server

This would start the server and it will be accessible at

firefox http://localhost:3000

username : admin
password : admin123

Installing Fedena on Ubuntu

Setting up the Rails development environment

Step -1 Install rails

linuzakhil@linuz-akhil:~$ sudo apt-get install rails

Rake is a build tool, written in Ruby, using Ruby as a build language. Rake is similar to make in scope and purpose.

Step -2 Install and Setup Mysql

linuzakhil@linuz-akhil:~$ sudo adp-get install mysql -server mysql-client libmysql-ruby

Note -: Remember the mysql password you set during this step,

Step -3 Download Fedena

Download Fedena source code from GitHub( Extract the downloaded .tar archive to a convenient location where you would be running fedena in my case as above same as redhat I
have used /opt

Step-4 Install Rails 2.3.5

cd to fedena extracted directory 

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil fedena]$ sudo gem install rails -v=2.3.5
Step-5 Setting up with Fedena

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil fedena]$ sudo vim config/database.yml

Open the file database.yml in the config folder of the fedena source. Change the following details:
database: fedena – The name of the database you want to use for fedena  username password.

Step-6 Install the prawn gem

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil fedena]$ sudo gem install prawn -v=0.6.3

Install the rest of the gems

Install the rest of the gems by runnin

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil fedena]$ sudo rake gems:install

Set up Fedena databases

From the Fedena source directory in terminal run,

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil fedena]$ sudo rake db:create

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil fedena]$ sudo rake db:migrate

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil fedena]$ sudo chmod +x script/*

[linuzakhil@linuz-akhil fedena]$ sudo ./script/server

All Done !! 

This will start the server and it will be accessible at http://localhost:3000

Login to Fedena using same credential which i have mentioned above mentioning again ..

username : admin
password : admin123

Have Fun :-) 

Do let me know if you face any issue in the same. 

Warm Regards


  1. That's absolutely a very helpful article demonstrated step by step and with proper commands.


  2. MarkersPro is a modern Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform that is designed to manage all of your school and learning management needs from one centralized system.Our software is built using modern design and architecture which allows our platform to evolve and keep up with the ever-changing education and technology demands of today at a faster pace compared to legacy solutions. Our software is easy to implement, offers a wide variety of standard features, and is hassle-free to manage with our cloud hosting that is reliable, secure, and scalable.

    Student Information System SIS
    sis system
    student information system software


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