Configuring Tomcat as Service
Till now we are starting or stopping the tomcat instance from the home through the catalina script.
We will not be able to start this through service or systemctl
In the previous sessions you might have seen that we have started this through service but it is a custom script written by me
Apart from that we can't directly use tomcat through service
Now let us see how to accomplish this.
For this we should have jvsc package installed on our CentOS/Redhat machine.
This package will help us to run the java services as daemons or services.
# yum install jsvc -y
- If the packages are not available then we need to download and install from the source.
NOTE: Please ensure that you have configured you JAVA_HOME before proceeding with the below.
# wget
# tar -xzvf commons-daemon-1.0.15-src.tar.gz
# cd commons-daemon-1.0.15-src/src/native/unix
# echo $JAVA_HOME
# make
# ./jsvc -help
Now we should have tomcat user and apache
# useradd tomcat
# groupadd apache
# usermod -G apache tomcat
- Change the owner and group of the $CATALINA_HOME
Before doing this be sure tomcat is not running. Stop if it is running
# cd /opt
# chown -R tomcat:apache tomcat8
- We need to create a file where our ENVIRONMENT variables can be setup for tomcat
# vi /etc/sysconfig/tomcat
- Now we need to create a service file for tomcat
# vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/tomcat.service
Description=Tomcat WebServer
ExecStart=/opt/tomcat8/bin/ start
ExecStop=/opt/tomcat8/bin/ stop
- Enable the tomcat service
# systemctl enable tomcat.service
# systemctl start tomcat.service
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