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Cloud - Private vs. Public vs. Hybrid

Cloud Computing:

Everyone is moving fast to Cloud Computing to make infrastructure or service faster and more easy to maintenance, and automotive the tasks and to provide faster service. Cloud computing serves more scalability and reliable, elastic services to IT Infrastructure. Cloud computing provides everything as services over the internet. It will allow us to access and manage every service over the internet from anywhere. 

Cloud Computing services consider in mainly 3 types:

1. SaaS : Software as a Service
2. PaaS : Platform as a Service
3. IaaS. : Infrastructure as a Service

Cloud computing can geographically divide into 3 types. We all know that cloud computing technology is tree types, there are -

1.Private Cloud
2.Public Cloud
3.Hybrid Cloud

These are the major Cloud Computing Technologies moving fast with Technology.

Private Cloud

Private Cloud also known as an Enterprise Cloud, Private Cloud is own by individuals, and its resides on Own Data center premises or Hosted on vendors Data Center location. This is more secure for our data and information with more secured withing our Network and Firewalls. It will Private Cloud is the best solution for companies who already hosted their Servers in Private Data Centers. It can be controlled by own enterprise in the hosted environment with connected with the private or public network. We can manage our own infrastructure with Private Cloud. But this can be more expensive than Public Cloud. Because we have to manage all the hardware and patching, maintenance.
Private Cloud computing is the best option for large companies who runs the business on R&D, Manufacturing, Supply Chain Management, ERP etc.

Public Cloud

Public Cloud is like shared hosting Cloud provider, who runs space with so many customers or tenants. How much we are using those service they will charge for that. Our data is stored Public Cloud providers Datacenter, and provider is responsible for everything like management and maintenance of Hardware and software used in Datacenters. This is the reason so many companies are moving to Public cloud environment to reduce IT expenses.
There is one problem with the public cloud that is “Data Security” because we don’t control the Public network and security to access the cloud environment. Of course public Cloud provider can take care of all security measurements, but still, everyone thinks security could be lacking a with public cloud access.
Public Cloud is the best choice for mid-range service providers like website hosting, and Customer relationship management, Email, and Human Resource Services.

Hybrid Cloud 
Simply we can say Hybrid Cloud is the combination of two more Cloud Environments or combination of Public and Private Cloud environments, Hybrid Clouds makes share the workload or load balancing between both environments. Hybrid Clouds allow you to secure you critical data in private Cloud environment, and we can store or work noncritical Test/Dev products on Public Cloud environment.

Conclusion: These are the main type of Cloud computing technologies available for Enterprise solutions, choosing of cloud technology of big debate. If a large scale company may choose for private Cloud, and if a small scale company may choose public cloud service for serve better service and cost efficiency matters


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